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accuracy problem in spectre (Read 7051 times)
Junior Member

Posts: 19
Chelsmford, MA
accuracy problem in spectre
Sep 10th, 2010, 2:29pm
Hi, I'm trying to simulate a PLL in spectre in IC 5.1.41. I've made a PFD and CP with transistors and using them with a veriloga VCO block.

The PFD I made can detect error if time difference between the positive edges of VCO and reference is more than about 140ps. I've measured that using two vpulse for vco and ref. But when I try to use the veriloga block for vco, I've found that spectre uses bigger timesteps and can't detect time difference between vco and ref properly. Things work fine if I decrease the maxstep to about 100ps, but the simulation time becomes too long.

Is there any other efficient way? Please, help.

Thanks in advance.

PS. the veriloga code is below:

module vco3 (ctrl, out);

     inout ctrl, out;
     electrical ctrl, out;
     parameter real hi = 1.0;
     parameter real K = -1.8e6/12314;
     parameter real ctrl_nom = 0.500;
     parameter real f_nom = 32000;
     parameter integer points_per_T = 100000 from [10:inf);
     parameter real tr = 15e-12 from [0:inf);
     parameter real tf = 15e-12 from [0:inf);
     parameter real step = 100e-15 from [0:inf);
     real phase, f, n, c, c0;
     analog begin
           @(initial_step) n = 0;
           c0 = V(ctrl);
           c = c0 - ctrl_nom;
           f = f_nom + K * c;
//            $strobe ("c0 = %e", c0);
//            $strobe ("c = %e", c);
//            $strobe ("f = %e", f);
           $bound_step (1.0 / (points_per_T * f));
           phase = idtmod (f, 0, 1);
           n = (phase > 0.5) && (phase <= 1);
           V(out) <+ transition (n?hi:0, 0, tr, tf, step);

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Dan Clement
Community Member

Posts: 95
Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Re: accuracy problem in spectre
Reply #1 - Sep 10th, 2010, 6:13pm
Can you either use a periodic timer function to "schedule" timesteps so that it will be evaluated?

How about using bound_step?

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Junior Member

Posts: 19
Chelsmford, MA
Re: accuracy problem in spectre
Reply #2 - Sep 10th, 2010, 6:54pm
Dan Clement wrote on Sep 10th, 2010, 6:13pm:
Can you either use a periodic timer function to "schedule" timesteps so that it will be evaluated?

How about using bound_step?


I am using bound_step. I thought bound_step is a way of specifying maxstep in veriloga, am i right? I get better results if I make either bound_step or maxstep pretty small. but it makes simulation too time-consuming. Is there any other efficient way?

could you explain a bit about that periodic timer? maybe a code as an example. I'm sorry I'm not that good in veriloga, just started to learn.

Is there any way to reduce maxstep just when an edge occurs in the vco and ref and make spectre take bigger steps on other times?

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Ken Kundert
Global Moderator

Posts: 2386
Silicon Valley
Re: accuracy problem in spectre
Reply #3 - Sep 10th, 2010, 8:20pm
Adding the VCO should never increase the timesteps used, it would only decrease them. Something unusual is happening here. What else can you tell us?

Your boundstep setting is insane. 5 to 10 is sufficient, 100,000 is incredibly wasteful.

You should almost never use maxstep to control error. Tighten reltol or switch to conservative if you need more accuracy.

Are you using non-default values for any other simulator settings?

Finally, ask simulator questions in the simulator boards, not the design boards.

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Junior Member

Posts: 19
Chelsmford, MA
Re: accuracy problem in spectre
Reply #4 - Sep 10th, 2010, 10:08pm
I've used these two setups.

1) The pfd with both vco and ref from two vpulse - one with 32kHz, the other with 32.001kHz, both starting at 0. The first positive edge of vco leads that of ref by 488.3ps. This difference shows up in the graph and pfd gives a down pulse. Every time difference in according edges thus shows up in the graph. Output log is below:

Important parameter values:
   start = 0 s
   outputstart = 0 s
   stop = 200 us
   step = 200 ns
   maxstep = 2 us
   ic = all
   skipdc = no
   reltol = 10e-06
   abstol(I) = 1 pA
   abstol(V) = 1 uV
   temp = 27 C
   tnom = 27 C
   tempeffects = all
   errpreset = conservative
   method = gear2only
   lteratio = 10
   relref = alllocal
   cmin = 0 F
   gmin = 10e-51 S
   maxrsd = 0 Ohm
   mos_method = s
   mos_vres = 50 mV

   tran: time = 5.761 us    (2.88 %), step = 765.2 ns     (383 m%)
   tran: time = 15.62 us    (7.81 %), step = 930.2 ns     (465 m%)
   tran: time = 25.56 us    (12.8 %), step = 753.7 ns     (377 m%)
   tran: time = 36.14 us    (18.1 %), step = 1.907 us     (953 m%)
   tran: time = 45.51 us    (22.8 %), step = 1.365 us     (682 m%)
   tran: time = 55.39 us    (27.7 %), step = 683.2 ns     (342 m%)
   tran: time = 65.66 us    (32.8 %), step = 991.6 ns     (496 m%)
   tran: time = 75.68 us    (37.8 %), step = 2 us            (1 %)
   tran: time = 85.14 us    (42.6 %), step = 509.8 ns     (255 m%)
   tran: time = 95.03 us    (47.5 %), step = 210 ns       (105 m%)
   tran: time = 106.1 us    (53.1 %), step = 1.764 us     (882 m%)
   tran: time = 115.3 us    (57.7 %), step = 416.3 ns     (208 m%)
   tran: time = 125 us      (62.5 %), step = 338.3 ps     (169 u%)
   tran: time = 135.6 us    (67.8 %), step = 1.414 us     (707 m%)
   tran: time = 145.2 us    (72.6 %), step = 338.2 ns     (169 m%)
   tran: time = 155.6 us    (77.8 %), step = 660.2 ns     (330 m%)
   tran: time = 165.8 us    (82.9 %), step = 1.201 us     (601 m%)
   tran: time = 175.1 us    (87.5 %), step = 249.3 ns     (125 m%)
   tran: time = 185.4 us    (92.7 %), step = 553.7 ns     (277 m%)
   tran: time = 195.3 us    (97.6 %), step = 1 us         (500 m%)

2) This time the ref is vpulse with 32kHz and the veriloga block for vco set with 493.16mV control voltage to give 32.001kHz. I've checked the value of f with $strobe. But, in this case, if bound_step is set to 1000, time step is always 31.25ns. In this case, the first 23 pulses of vco and vref are perfectly aligned and the 24th pulses show up with vco leading ref by 22.47ns and pfd gives the first down down pulse here. The output log is below:

Important parameter values:
   start = 0 s
   outputstart = 0 s
   stop = 1 ms
   step = 1 us
   maxstep = 10 us
   ic = all
   skipdc = no
   reltol = 10e-06
   abstol(I) = 1 pA
   abstol(V) = 1 uV
   temp = 27 C
   tnom = 27 C
   tempeffects = all
   errpreset = conservative
   method = gear2only
   lteratio = 10
   relref = alllocal
   cmin = 0 F
   gmin = 10e-51 S
   maxrsd = 0 Ohm
   mos_method = s
   mos_vres = 50 mV

   tran: time = 25.02 us     (2.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 75.02 us     (7.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 125 us      (12.5 %), step = 22.39 ns    (2.24 m%)
   tran: time = 175 us      (17.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 225 us      (22.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 275 us      (27.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 325 us      (32.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 375 us      (37.5 %), step = 22.39 ns    (2.24 m%)
   tran: time = 425 us      (42.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 475 us      (47.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 525 us      (52.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 575 us      (57.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 625 us      (62.5 %), step = 22.39 ns    (2.24 m%)
   tran: time = 675 us      (67.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 725 us      (72.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 775 us      (77.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 825 us      (82.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 875 us      (87.5 %), step = 1.559 ns     (156 u%)
   tran: time = 925 us      (92.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)
   tran: time = 975 us      (97.5 %), step = 31.25 ns    (3.12 m%)

The only default value in the options I've changed is gmin, otherwise the control voltage was very slowly dropping.

If I use bound_step as big as 100000 (step becomes 312.5ps), only then I get accurate results. I guess I'm missing something about bound_step. I understand that it controls maxstep in simulation. But why is step always equal to bound_step?

Should I decrease rel_tol? I've tried with 1e-12, didn't work.

I also used the time_tol parameter in "transition", didn't work.
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Ken Kundert
Global Moderator

Posts: 2386
Silicon Valley
Re: accuracy problem in spectre
Reply #5 - Sep 11th, 2010, 12:35am
You should really try to avoid using ridiculous settings such as forcing 100,000 points per cycle or setting gmin=1e-51. In doing so you are creating convergence and performance problems to become your own worst enemy. The proper strategy to running a simulator is to start with default settings and if the results are not satisfactory, think about what is going wrong, understand why it is going wrong, and adjust the appropriate setting just enough to get adequate results. In this case, the thing that is going wrong is that you are not controlling the output transitions for the VCO.

The most important thing to do is to add cross statements to the VCO to force the simulator to trigger the output transitions at the proper time. Currently you are not doing this and it is causing a large amount of uncertainty in the timing of the output transitions. I recommend that you examine the vco1 model given in Also, I recommend that you increase the output transition time for the VCO. Using a 15ps transition time on a 32kHz signal causes the simulator to run slowly without providing much benefit.

So, in summary, return reltol, errpreset, and gmin to their default values. Leave maxstep at its default value. Do not use boundstep to force more than 10 points per cycle. Relax the output transition times on the VCO, 1us should be sufficient. And finally, add cross functions to control the timing of your output transitions.

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Junior Member

Posts: 19
Chelsmford, MA
Re: accuracy problem in spectre
Reply #6 - Sep 11th, 2010, 8:22am
Thank you so much for the advice! It worked! Thanks! Grin
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View Profile Shahriar   IP Logged
Junior Member

Posts: 19
Chelsmford, MA
Re: accuracy problem in spectre
Reply #7 - Sep 11th, 2010, 10:12am
I have another question. I'm modified my vco using the model on the link above. And I'm trying to do pss analysis. But it ends with an error saying:

Error found by spectre during periodic steady state analysis `pss'.
   ERROR (SPCRTRF-15177): The component vco3 is not supported in PSS analysis because it is a behavior module component with hidden states. Components with hidden state are not allowed with this analysis.The PSS analysis is skipped.
       /research/isis/users/mjahan/cadence/9RF/pll/vco3/veriloga/, line 40: Hidden state variable: n

Can anyone explain what this hidden state is and how to deal with it?

Thanks again.
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Ken Kundert
Global Moderator

Posts: 2386
Silicon Valley
Re: accuracy problem in spectre
Reply #8 - Sep 12th, 2010, 8:22am
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Junior Member

Posts: 19
Chelsmford, MA
Re: accuracy problem in spectre
Reply #9 - Sep 12th, 2010, 10:48am
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