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Measurements >> Phase Noise and Jitter Measurements >> Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase noise

Message started by neoflash on Nov 1st, 2005, 6:50am

Title: Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase noise
Post by neoflash on Nov 1st, 2005, 6:50am

I am reading Predicting the phase noise and jitter of PLL-based frequency synthesizers.

And I found in page 28, equation (57):

JeePFD/CP = T*sqrt(var(n)/2)/Kdet;

If Kdet=Ip as stated in the doc page 7, then above equation has incorrect units.

T: s
var(n):  A2/s
Kdet: A

thus, all in all, Jee 's units is not s;

I think that the correct conversion equation is:
JeePFD/CP = sqrt(T*var(n)/2)/Kdet;

any body concur?

Title: Re: Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase n
Post by Ken Kundert on Nov 4th, 2005, 2:37pm

Why do you believe that the units for  var(n) are  A2/s? I expect the units to be A2, in which case the units work out properly for the equation given in the paper.


Title: Re: Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase n
Post by neoflash on Nov 4th, 2005, 6:30pm

Ken Kundert wrote on Nov 4th, 2005, 2:37pm:
Why do you believe that the units for  var(n) are  A2/s? I expect the units to be A2, in which case the units work out properly for the equation given in the paper.


Basically, var(n)=rms(n), if it is root mean square, it should be averaged over time.

also from wiener-Khinchine theorem,  what we get from
integrate(sphi(f)*df) is total power, should have units of A^2/s.

Only if we have different difinition on var(n)?

Title: Re: Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase n
Post by Ken Kundert on Nov 5th, 2005, 12:15am

The value var(n) represents the normalized power, or power into a 1 Ohm resistor.

Power has units of I2R. If R=1, then the units are I2.

This is consistent with the definition of var(n), which is given in (57), which states that var(n) is equal to the integral of Sn over all frequencies, and Sn has the units of I2/Hz, and so var(n) has the units of I2.


Title: Re: Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase n
Post by neoflash on Nov 5th, 2005, 5:12am

Oh, i see.

I made the mistake somewhere. Thanks for correcting me.

However, I still think that I can not understand how the Jee is get:

I will calculate it in this way:

------------  = var(n)


Jee= T*var(n)/(2*I^2)

Why not calculate it in this way?

Title: Re: Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase n
Post by Ken Kundert on Nov 5th, 2005, 3:13pm

Your equation cannot be correct as the units are not correct.

From (3)
   dt = Imax/T di
   dt = Kdet/T di

Looking at noise powers ...
   var(t) = (Kdet/T)2 var(n)
where n is the noise in i.

Since there are two edges with Jee,
   Jee = sqrt(2 var(t))
   Jee = Kdet/T sqrt(2 var(n))

So it seem like the equation in the paper is incorrect in that it divides by two where it should multiply two. Do you agree that this equation is correct?


Title: Re: Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase n
Post by neoflash on Nov 5th, 2005, 7:21pm


Thanks for correcting my mistake in math. I am puzzled when doing translation between current domain and time domain.

However, I did not think the new equation you give is right.

dT*Im / (T) = in

==> sigma(dT) = sigma(in) * T / (Im)

==> sigma(dT) = sqrt(2)*J = sqrt(var(n)) * T / (Im)

The original equation on the paper is correct.
Sorry for the confusion. Thanks

Title: Re: Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase n
Post by Ken Kundert on Nov 6th, 2005, 12:51am

Whoops. I copied things down somewhat backward. I'll try to be a bit more careful this time.

From (3)
   dt = T/Imax di
   dt = T/Kdet di

Inverting this to calculate the contribution to the noise on the output from jitter on one edge at the input gives
   di = Kdet/T dt
We cannot combine the contribution from the noise on the second edge using this formula as the jitter on the edges will be uncorrelated. So instead, we must work in noise powers.
   var(n) = (Kdet/T)2 (var(j1) + var(j2))
   var(n) = (Kdet/T)2 (2 var(j))
where n is the noise in i and j is the noise in t.

   Jee = sqrt(var(j))
and so
   Jee2 = var(j) = (T/Kdet)2 var(n)/2
   Jee = T/Kdet sqrt(var(n)/2)

Which suggests that my original equation was in fact correct.


Title: Re: Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase n
Post by neoflash on Nov 6th, 2005, 3:18am

thanks for the discussion.

Title: Re: Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase n
Post by neoflash on Nov 30th, 2005, 7:43am

I found I cannot understand why there are two edges for a period?

if it is a pfd, it only responds to rising edge, isn't it?

Title: Re: Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase n
Post by Ken Kundert on Nov 30th, 2005, 10:52am

The phase detector has two inputs, in and ref. A rising edge on the in input causes the output to rise, and a rising edge on the ref input causes the outptu to fall. The charge pump integrates the output, so we are interested in the time difference between the rising and falling edges on the output. Those are the two edges.


Title: Re: Question on Ken's "Predicting the phase n
Post by neoflash on Dec 1st, 2005, 6:27am

I can not agree.

If we assume ref clock is clean. Then the jitter is refered to PFD input, the feedback clock.


----- = delta(I)

then we get the relationship between input jitter and current noise current. No other edges involved.

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