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Simulators >> RF Simulators >> Changing default length of device in spectre

Message started by pthoppay on May 16th, 2006, 5:32am

Title: Changing default length of device in spectre
Post by pthoppay on May 16th, 2006, 5:32am

Dear All,

I am using a 0.18 um process, I am uisng the minimum length devices in my schematic, but when I extract the netlist using the analog enviroment, the netlist takes the default length of the device which is 1um.

How do I change the default length of the device to 0.18um. Please help to acheive this.


Title: Re: Changing default length of device in spectre
Post by Geoffrey_Coram on May 16th, 2006, 7:00am

Your description makes it sound like you specified a length (0.18u) in the schematic environment, but the netlist that is created has a different value (1u).

Is that right?  Then there must be a bug in the netlisting code for your environment.

Title: Re: Changing default length of device in spectre
Post by bernd on May 16th, 2006, 8:15am

First question, what do you mean by 'when I extract the netlist'?
Are you doing a simple netlist creation out of the Analog Environment or
do you preforming an parasitic extraction?

Maybe your cell CDF (Component Description Format) is not
defined right.

Title: Re: Changing default length of device in spectre
Post by pthoppay on May 16th, 2006, 8:31am


What i meant by extracting the netlist is using the fucntion "create netlist" in the analog enviroment. Sorry for the confusion.

Yes, you are right I specified 0.18u and there is no value for "length" in the netlist and hence the simulator assumes the default length, but for any other value apart from 0.18 u it uses correct value. I have attached the netlist alongwith, from which it can be seen that in the MOSFET description there is no value for "L" and hence the simulator assumes the default value ( i read somewhere it is 1u). So my question is where and how should I change the default value, so that when there is no length specified in the netlist it takes as 0.18u and not any other value.

Thanks and Regards,

Title: Re: Changing default length of device in spectre
Post by bernd on May 16th, 2006, 9:10am

Modifying the default value of l from your MOS
is the wrong approach.
You rather should check why the local setting of l
was not taken into account.

1. Start form you model file
  there must be something like
  model <modeName> bsim3v3
  if you device refers direct to a model
  subckt <modelName> n1 n2 n3
    parameters w=1u l=1u

For bsim3v3 w and l are defined instance parameters.
For a subcircuit the parameters must be defined in
the parameter list with a default value.

2. Check your cell CDF for the MOS.
  You can do this over the GUI
  Make sure your CDF Tpye is set to 'Base'.
  Check there if you have the parameter l in the
  'Component Parameters' section as well as in
  the 'Simulation Information' for the simulator
  spectre (I assume).
  For the simInfo of spectre l must be also in the list
  of 'instParameters'.

  An optional way of checking the cell CDF is to
  use the SKILL command cdfDump.
  cdfDump( "yourLibName" "./mos.cdf" ?cellName "yourCellName" ?level 'base ?edit t )

 You'll get a textual output you must see something like this for l
 cdfCreateParam( cdfId
       ?name           "l"
       ?prompt         "Length (M)"
       ?units          "lengthMetric"
       ?defValue       ""
       ?type           "string"
       ?display        "artParameterInToolDisplay('l)"
       ?parseAsNumber  "yes"
       ?parseAsCEL     "yes"


cdfId->simInfo->spectre = '( nil
       propMapping       nil
       namePrefix        ""
       otherParameters   (model)
       instParameters    (w l as ad ps pd nrd nrs m trise region)
       termOrder         (D G S B)
       termMapping       (nil D \:d G \:g S \:s B \:b)
       componentName     someName

You can reload the CDF file with load( ""./mos.cdf" ) after modification.

3. If all is proper defined the netlister should take care of the local setting of l.


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