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Simulators >> Circuit Simulators >> output format in analog design environment

Message started by arsenal_he on Mar 2nd, 2007, 11:04am

Title: output format in analog design environment
Post by arsenal_he on Mar 2nd, 2007, 11:04am


i wanna know how to set the output format of spectre in analog design environment, such as psf or sst2?


Title: Re: output format in analog design environment
Post by Andrew Beckett on Mar 3rd, 2007, 2:11am

The default these days is sst2 for transient, and psf for everything else (sst2 can only represent time domain data).

If you want to set it to psf all the time, you can use the SKILL function (in the CIW, or in your .cdsinit):

envSetVal("spectre.envOpts" "simOutputFormat" 'string "psfbin")

before starting ADE.

Why do you want to change it? By the way, don't have freedom to use all of spectre's output formats, because presumably you want the ADE waveform tool etc to be able to plot the results - and that only supports psf or sst2.



Title: Re: output format in analog design environment
Post by arsenal_he on Mar 5th, 2007, 10:05am

THank you very much,  Andrew,
The reason i wanna switch to psf is that the dump interval of sst2 is much bigger than that of psf for a big design although it cannot be detected when for a small scale simulation. And since i dont know where to set the data-dumping interval, the only alternative is to switch back to psf bcoz i can see the results at the first sevel tens of ns instead of waiting for hundreds of nano-seconds to get the results of sst2.

thanks a lot

Title: Re: output format in analog design environment
Post by Andrew Beckett on Mar 5th, 2007, 11:04am

Ah, the flushing problem with sst2. Yes, there's a PCR for that.


Title: Re: output format in analog design environment
Post by arsenal_he on Mar 5th, 2007, 11:07am

hi andrew,

what does pcr stand for? where can i get it?


Title: Re: output format in analog design environment
Post by Geoffrey_Coram on Mar 5th, 2007, 11:37am

pcr = product change request, I think; that is, someone's already requested a fix, but it's not available (you can't get it yet).

Title: Re: output format in analog design environment
Post by Andrew Beckett on Mar 5th, 2007, 1:17pm

Sorry I used internal terminology. Didn't think before I posted.

Anyway, if you were to log a service request with Cadence, the relevant PCR numbers (at least) are 4015013 and 886334 (these are the reference numbers for where this has been reported before to Cadence R&D).



Title: Re: output format in analog design environment
Post by arsenal_he on Mar 5th, 2007, 1:53pm

hi  Andrew,

Thank you very much.


Title: Re: output format in analog design environment
Post by ywguo on Sep 19th, 2007, 12:21am


Can I convert a transient simulation result in sst format into psfbin/psfbinf format?


Title: Re: output format in analog design environment
Post by jorobins on Sep 29th, 2007, 7:44am

As far as I understand, no! And why/how do I know this?

One of the features that I've been trying out is the savestate feature in the transient analysis of Spectre. This allows one to run a tran simulation to a certain time point and then run a new simulation using the previous sim's final transient state (actually, it could be anywhere in the previous run as long as you've saved the state) as the starting point. Unfortunately this creates two different sst2 sim data files - one each for the 2 runs. If you try to plot the data in the second run, the starting time will not be from 0s but rather from the last time point of the previous simulation and there is no way to stitch together two sst files. However there is a way to stitch together two psf files (a sourcelink solution explains this) and if there was a way to convert from sst2 files to psf, I could have had a workaround. Unfortunately, no sst2 to psf conversion exists (at least according to the Cadence AE). They filed a PCR to at least allow stitching together of sst2 files...  :-/

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