The Designer's Guide Community Forum
Simulators >> Circuit Simulators >> can't plot any data

Message started by apprentice on May 7th, 2009, 7:37pm

Title: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 7th, 2009, 7:37pm

Hi Gurus,
 I tried a rfExample - LNA simple from Cadence spectreRF simulator. However, I was not successful to even plot a single figure.

Simulation runs and shows ready.
But plot doesn't show up. please refer to the screen shot.
in case the jpg can't be posted, the message is :

"There is no analysis data found or selected."

thanks for any suggestion on what I should check and try.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by Geoffrey_Coram on May 8th, 2009, 7:28am

What waveform viewer are you using?  Are you using ADE?  Can you see a results directory created by Spectre?

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 8th, 2009, 1:36pm

thanks for your reply.
I use analog design environment. Assume ADE is the acronym.
Looks like I don't have a result directory. Should it under .../spectre? same level as .../spectre/schematic?

I'm checking my environment variables - PATH, etc.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by oermens on May 8th, 2009, 7:00pm

After simulation, or even during, go to Results->Select and schematic should be one of the options. Sometimes the direct plot form doesn't load the results.

Your simulation directory is set from ADE->Setup->Simulator/Directory/Host or from the environment variable (in .cdsenv not in your path!)

asimenv.startup projectDir string "/some_folder"

Then your results are saved in /some_folder/cellname/spectre/psf

Don't mean to sound insulting, but did you actually *run* the simulation? You don't have a spectre.out file (output log) in your .../spectre/psf folder.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 8th, 2009, 8:44pm

Thanks Oermens. Any potential solution/correction is welcome.

1 Do I need vi .cdsenv at the very beginning, i.e.,  before running icfb?
  vi the .cdsenv to include the project directory - .../lnaSimple (which has the sub directory .../schematic) .
   My current .cdsenv is a default one. no asimenv.startup as shown below:
"ddserv showWhatsNew string "4.4.3"
spectre.envOpts firstRun boolean nil
spectre.envOpts controlMode string "batch"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.3"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.6"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.3"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.6"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.3"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.6"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.3"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.6"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.3"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.6"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.3"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.6"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.3"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.6"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "5.1.0"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.6"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "5.1.0"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "5.0.0"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "4.4.6"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "5.0.0"
asimenv showWhatsNew string "5.1.0"

2. in my case, the cellname is lnaSimple

3. what I did is netlist and run and ADE show "ready" after 1 minute.  I guess I run the simulation.

4. confused by spectrRF document (page 257-258 ver5.1.41 nov.2005)
   setenv CDS_rfExamples 'cds_root icms'   (i'm using icfb. shall i change icmst to icfb? Does "cds_root" depends on my installation?

Shall I include the path to .cdsinit or .cshrc?
I tried in .cshrc with setenv PATH. but cause problem.
path = ( $MMSIMHOME/tools/bin  $MMSIMHOME/tools/dfII/bin \         $CDSHOME/tools/bin  $CDSHOME/tools/dfII/bin \         $CDSHOME/tools/java $CDSHOME/tools/java/bin $path )

I found no such directory like .../java. my installation shows  ../jre.

really confused by the environment.

thanks a lot for some hints!

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by oermens on May 8th, 2009, 9:12pm

apprentice wrote on May 8th, 2009, 8:44pm:
Thanks Oermens. Any potential solution/correction is welcome.

1 Do I need vi .cdsenv at the very beginning, i.e.,  before running icfb?
  vi the .cdsenv to include the project directory - .../lnaSimple (which has the sub directory .../schematic) .
   My current .cdsenv is a default one. no asimenv.startup as shown below:

2. in my case, the cellname is lnaSimple

You don't have to edit .cdsenv, you can set the project directory in ADE as I mentioned previously (Setup->Simulator/Directory/Host). In my case, I have all my results stored in /opt/simulation/ and when I run simulation using lnaSimple (for example), spectre will create the results folders in /opt/simulation/lnaSimple/... So you just have to specify the base directory of the simulation results.

Also are you setting your environment to append the .cdsenv file upon exit? you have alot of duplicate entries which can cause confusion when loading icfb. If asimenv.startup projectDir is not defined, spectre will use the default location which i believe is $PWD/simulation. You can refer to ../IC/doc/anasimhelp/anasimhelp.pdf for information about this and other analog environment variables that can be set in .cdsenv.

apprentice wrote on May 8th, 2009, 8:44pm:
3. what I did is netlist and run and ADE show "ready" after 1 minute.  I guess I run the simulation.

Firstly, what type of analysis have you set up? If your analysis pane is empty then no wonder you aren't getting results. Please attach your input.scs file from /simulation/lnaSimple/spectre/schematic/netlist folder. After hitting netlist and run, do you get warnings or errors in icfb? What is cadence doing during that one minute?

apprentice wrote on May 8th, 2009, 8:44pm:
4. confused by spectrRF document (page 257-258 ver5.1.41 nov.2005)
   setenv CDS_rfExamples 'cds_root icms'   (i'm using icfb. shall i change icmst to icfb? Does "cds_root" depends on my installation?

cds_root will find the path to the argument. since icfb and icms are in the same folder (.../IC/tools/dfII/bin) it shouldn't matter. Also be sure to use ` and not ' around the command. rfExamples folder should be set in cds.lib not as an environment variable unless your cds.lib has something along the lines of DEFINE rfExamples $CDS_rfExamples. Simpler way is to add this line to cds.lib (some useful example directories)

DEFINE US_10ths $CDS_HOME/tools/dfII/samples/cdslib/sheets/US_10ths
DEFINE rfLib $CDS_HOME/tools/dfII/samples/artist/rfLib
DEFINE rfExamples $CDS_HOME/tools/dfII/samples/artist/rfExamples
DEFINE pllMMLib $CDS_HOME/tools/dfII/samples/artist/pllMMLib
DEFINE pllLib $CDS_HOME/tools/dfII/samples/artist/pllLib
DEFINE passiveLib $CDS_HOME/tools/dfII/samples/artist/passiveLib
DEFINE bmslib $CDS_HOME/tools/dfII/samples/artist/bmslib
DEFINE ahdlLib $CDS_HOME/tools/dfII/samples/artist/ahdlLib
DEFINE aExamples $CDS_HOME/tools/dfII/samples/artist/aExamples
DEFINE avTech $CDS_TOP_DIR/ASSURA/tools/assura/etc/avtech/avTech
DEFINE functional $CDS_HOME/tools/dfII/etc/cdslib/artist/functional

these variables, CDS_HOME and CDS_TOP_DIR are specific to my site, maybe your variables are different. CDS_HOME is the same as result of cds_root icfb. CDS_TOP_DIR is the directory where all your cadence tools are installed (i.e. CDS_HOME can also be CDS_TOP_DIR/IC and MMSIMHOME can be CDS_TOP_DIR/MMSIM, etc).

apprentice wrote on May 8th, 2009, 8:44pm:
Shall I include the path to .cdsinit or .cshrc?
I tried in .cshrc with setenv PATH. but cause problem.
path = ( $MMSIMHOME/tools/bin  $MMSIMHOME/tools/dfII/bin \         $CDSHOME/tools/bin  $CDSHOME/tools/dfII/bin \         $CDSHOME/tools/java $CDSHOME/tools/java/bin $path )

in .cshrc, try:

setenv PATH $PATH:$MMSIMHOME/tools/bin:$MMSIMHOME/tools/dfII/bin:$CDSHOME/tools/bin:$CDSHOME/tools/dfII/bin:$CDSHOME/tools/java:$CDSHOME/tools/java/bin

be sure to define MMSIMHOME and CDSHOME before defining PATH

apprentice wrote on May 8th, 2009, 8:44pm:
I found no such directory like .../java. my installation shows  ../jre.

really confused by the environment.

thanks a lot for some hints!

are you using .cshrc designed for the same version of IC that you are using?

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 8th, 2009, 9:39pm

I post the netlist and log first. I'm trying other suggestion.

1. the netlist  (remove this duplication, see below the recreated one)

2. .cshrc version seems match IC version I'm using. See below. I'm using SUNOS
# Variables: ICVer     = ICFB version
#            ASSURAVER = Assura version
#            CalVer    = Calibre version

alias cdsdoc cdnshelp

set CADOS = `uname | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`

echo "OS      =" $CADOS

if("$CADOS" =~ *SUNOS*) then

  #setenv ICVer IC446
  #setenv ICVer IC446_MSR11
  #setenv ICVer IC5033
  #setenv ICVer IC5033usr3r4
  setenv ICVer IC5141_USR4
  setenv MMSIMVer MMSIM60

  #setenv ASSURAVER ASSURA313usr1

  setenv CalVer cal_2005.1_10.20

3. setenv PATH   in .cshrc
    when I try
setenv PATH $PATH:$MMSIMHOME/tools/bin:$MMSIMHOME/tools/dfII/bin:$CDSHOME/tools/bin:$CDSHOME/tools/dfII/bin:

after run .cshrc,   it shows:
Bad : modifier in $ ($).

    Do I keep other PATH configurations when I append the new PATH configuration?

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by pancho_hideboo on May 8th, 2009, 9:59pm

apprentice wrote on May 7th, 2009, 7:37pm:
I tried a rfExample - LNA simple from Cadence spectreRF simulator. However, I was not successful to even plot a single figure.
Show me the followings.

(1) Result of "ADE>Setup>Simulator/Directory/Host"
(2) Complete netlist("input.scs") which you can show and save it by "ADE>Simulation>Netlist>Display".
(3) Complete log file("spectre.out") which you can show and save it by "ADE>Simulation>Output Log".

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 8th, 2009, 10:48pm

thanks Pancho_hideboo.

1) screenshot attached
2) recreated netlist: input.scs
3) unfortunately the function is in grey color,  screenshot attached

/ Generated for: spectre
// Generated on: May  8 22:38:49 2009
// Design library name: myrfExamples
// Design cell name: lnaSimple
// Design view name: schematic
simulator lang=spectre
global 0
include "/opt/eda/cds/IC5141_USR4/tools/dfII/samples/artist/ahdlLib/quantity.spectre"
include "/disk01/home/cdsmgr.sun/ahdlcompany/quantity.spectre"
parameters prf=-10

// Library name: myrfExamples
// Cell name: lnaSimple
// View name: schematic
V8 (power 0) vsource dc=15.0 type=dc
R0 (net39 out) resistor r=50
R23 (power net39) resistor r=150
R22 (net9 0) resistor r=705m
R3 (net11 net20) resistor r=1K
R21 (net20 0) resistor r=470
R19 (net27 net14) resistor r=500
R6 (net24 out) resistor r=1K
R10 (0 net27) resistor r=2K
C25 (in net20) capacitor c=1.000n
C24 (net39 0) capacitor c=100.0n
C23 (net20 net24) capacitor c=1.000n
C22 (net27 0) capacitor c=100.0n
C21 (out net28) capacitor c=100.0n
PORT0 (net28 0) port r=40 num=2
RF (in 0) port r=40 num=1 type=sine dbm=prf sinephase=0 freq=900M dbm2=prf \
       ammodindex=0.0 ammodfreq=10M ammodphase=0 mag=1 phase=0 xfmag=1 \
       pacmag=1 pacphase=0 fundname="frf"
Q4 (out net20 net9 0) NPNlower
Q3 (net11 net27 net39 0) generic_pnp
Q2 (net14 net14 power 0) generic_pnp
simulatorOptions options reltol=1e-3 vabstol=1e-6 iabstol=1e-12 temp=27 \
   tnom=27 scalem=1.0 scale=1.0 gmin=1e-12 rforce=1 maxnotes=5 maxwarns=5 \
   digits=5 cols=80 pivrel=1e-3 sensfile="../psf/sens.output" \
pss  pss  fund=900M  harms=10  errpreset=moderate  annotate=status
modelParameter info what=models where=rawfile
element info what=inst where=rawfile
outputParameter info what=output where=rawfile
designParamVals info what=parameters where=rawfile
primitives info what=primitives where=rawfile
subckts info what=subckts  where=rawfile
saveOptions options save=allpub subcktprobelvl=2

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 8th, 2009, 10:51pm

3) screenshot

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by pancho_hideboo on May 8th, 2009, 10:57pm

apprentice wrote on May 8th, 2009, 10:48pm:
2) recreated netlist: input.scs
If you recreate netlist, run simulation again.
And in your netlist, no model file for BJT is included.

Here "rfModels.scs" is included.

Show me your "ADE>Setup>Model_Libralies".
Show me your "ADE>Setup>Simulation_Files".

apprentice wrote on May 8th, 2009, 10:48pm:
3) unfortunately the function is in grey color
Run simulation again.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by oermens on May 9th, 2009, 5:37am

apprentice wrote on May 8th, 2009, 9:39pm:
3. setenv PATH   in .cshrc
   when I try
setenv PATH $PATH:$MMSIMHOME/tools/bin:$MMSIMHOME/tools/dfII/bin:$CDSHOME/tools/bin:$CDSHOME

after run .cshrc,   it shows:
Bad : modifier in $ ($).

   Do I keep other PATH configurations when I append the new PATH configuration?

Sorry my syntax was also wrong, i was mixing zsh and csh syntax. Refer So you should be using

set path = ( $path $MMSIMHOME/tools/bin $MMSIMHOME/tools/dfII/bin $CDSHOME/tools/bin:$CDSHOME/tools/dfII/bin $CDSHOME/tools/java $CDSHOME/tools/java/bin ) as before. Make sure everything is on a single line. You don't set MMSIMHOME or CDSHOME in you .cshrc, are you running another script to set these variables, or this is just small part of your .cshrc?

pancho_hideboo wrote on May 8th, 2009, 10:57pm:

apprentice wrote on May 8th, 2009, 10:48pm:
2) recreated netlist: input.scs
If you recreate netlist, run simulation again.
And in your netlist, no model file for BJT is included.

Here "rfModels.scs" is included.

Show me your "ADE>Setup>Model_Libralies".
Show me your "ADE>Setup>Simulation_Files".

apprentice wrote on May 8th, 2009, 10:48pm:
3) unfortunately the function is in grey color
Run simulation again.

This can also be the case if the simulation is not successful. I'm not sure why the simulation proceeds without include files. Are you using one of the gpdk's? I think alot of the appnotes are written for gpdk180, in which case you should also include its model file. If you installed the kit correctly, this should be taken care of by the .cdsenv template of the pdk, and you should set the environment variable CDS_LOAD_ENV=CWDElseHome (loads CWD/.cdsenv if it exists, or else ~/.cdsenv, if it exists). As requested, please attach your input.scs and spectre.out files.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by pancho_hideboo on May 9th, 2009, 6:16am

oermens wrote on May 9th, 2009, 5:37am:
Are you using one of the gpdk's? I think alot of the appnotes are written for gpdk180, in which case you should also include its model file.
No. This example doesn't use "gpdk".

Include "$CDS_INST_DIR/tools/dfII/samples/artist/models/spectre/rfModels.scs" as model file.

oermens wrote on May 9th, 2009, 5:37am:
As requested, please attach your input.scs and spectre.out files.
Don't show same "input.scs" three times.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by oermens on May 9th, 2009, 7:12am

It seems he has a model file specified, otherwise he would receive the message in output log:

Problems encountered during simulation.
Use the Simulation->Output Log menu for more information.

I loaded the lnaSimple example and simulated using pss analysis and found no errors. I followed pancho_hideboo's instruction to load $CDS_INST_DIR/tools/dfII/samples/artist/models/spectre/rfModels.scs as the model file. I don't know which document you refered to in a previous post, but the voltage gain should be 10dB if my simulation is correct?

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by pancho_hideboo on May 9th, 2009, 9:49am

oermens wrote on May 9th, 2009, 7:12am:
I don't know which document you refered to in a previous post
"SpectreRF user manual".

oermens wrote on May 9th, 2009, 7:12am:
but the voltage gain should be 10dB if my simulation is correct?
Maybe correct.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by oermens on May 9th, 2009, 11:09am

pancho_hideboo wrote on May 9th, 2009, 9:49am:

oermens wrote on May 9th, 2009, 7:12am:
I don't know which document you refered to in a previous post
"SpectreRF user manual".

I just reviewed this document regarding simulating low noise amplifiers, if you follow the instructions carefully you should not encounter any errors. Disregard my previous comment about CDS_rfExamples, I did not know its purpose before. Your .cshrc should include the following

setenv CDS_rfExamples ‘cds_root icms‘
setenv CDS_Netlisting_Mode "Analog"
setenv MMSIMHOME <path_to_MMSIM_simulators>
setenv CDSHOME <path_to_IC_simulators>
setenv path = ( $MMSIMHOME/tools/bin $MMSIMHOME/tools/dfII/bin $CDSHOME/tools/bin $CDSHOME/tools/dfII/bin $CDSHOME/tools/java $CDSHOME/tools/java/bin $path )

Assume you are in a fresh directory for running icfb and you didn't modify any cds.lib or copy the rfExamples folder. Type these commands in the folder

cp -rf $CDSHOME/tools/dfII/samples/artist/rfExamples ./
echo DEFINE my_rfExamples $PWD/rfExamples >> cds.lib

After launching icfb and loading lnaSimple schematic and invoking ADE, go to Setup>Simulator/directory/host and set the project directory to a location which you have write permission for. If holding onto results is not important, you can use /tmp. Go to Setup>Model Libraries and add <CDSHOME>/tools/dfII/samples/artist/models/spectre/rfModels.scs as the model file. <CDSHOME> is replaced with the value of $CDSHOME. Proceed with simulation as specified in users guide.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 9th, 2009, 4:53pm

many thanks to oermens and pancho_hideboo.

How to find the character  ‘
I tried both the key left to "number 1" and the key left to "enter".

### rfexamples #####
setenv CDS_rfExamples 'cds_root icms'
setenv MMSIMHOME /usr/eda/cds/MMSIM60/
setenv CDSHOME /opt/eda/cds/IC5141_USR4
setenv path = ( $MMSIMHOME/tools/bin $MMSIMHOME/tools/dfII/bin $CDSHOME/tools/bin $CDSHOME/tools/dfII/bin $CDSHOME/tools/jre $CDSHOME/tools/jre/
bin $path )

under the folder: i can only find jre instead of java, which is most likely.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by oermens on May 9th, 2009, 5:45pm

it is the one next to number 1... the button is ` and when shift is pressed it is ~

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 9th, 2009, 8:34pm

I tried setenv as below:

setenv CDS_rfExamples  `cds_root icms`
setenv MMSIMHOME /usr/eda/cds/MMSIM60/
setenv CDSHOME /opt/eda/cds/IC5141_USR4
setenv path = ( $MMSIMHOME/tools/bin $MMSIMHOME/tools/dfII/bin $CDSHOME/tools/bin $CDSHOME/tools/dfII/bin $CDS
HOME/tools/jre $CDSHOME/tools/jre/bin $path )

and got the message:
cds_root: Command not found.
Badly placed ()'s.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by oermens on May 9th, 2009, 9:16pm

apprentice wrote on May 9th, 2009, 8:34pm:
I tried setenv as below:

setenv CDS_rfExamples  `cds_root icms`

and got the message:
cds_root: Command not found.
Badly placed ()'s.

I see the problem. You have to move that line in .cshrc to be after the path definition. Otherwise cds_root will not be found because it is located in $MMSIMHOME/tools/bin which is not in the path when cds_root is initially called. See below:

setenv CDS_Netlisting_Mode "Analog"
setenv MMSIMHOME /usr/eda/cds/MMSIM60/
setenv CDSHOME /opt/eda/cds/IC5141_USR4
setenv path = ( $MMSIMHOME/tools/bin $MMSIMHOME/tools/dfII/bin $CDSHOME/tools/bin $CDSHOME/tools/dfII/bin $CDSHOME/tools/java $CDSHOME/tools/java/bin $path )
setenv CDS_rfExamples ‘cds_root icms‘

Aside: MMSIM60 and IC5141USR4 are very old. Update your tools if possible.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 9th, 2009, 10:13pm

after changing order, still have a problem. Maybe my old system has a big problem.

#### rfexamples #####
setenv MMSIMHOME /usr/eda/cds/MMSIM60/
setenv CDSHOME /opt/eda/cds/IC5141_USR4
setenv path = ( $MMSIMHOME/tools/bin $MMSIMHOME/tools/dfII/bin $CDSHOME/tools/bin $CDSHOME/tools/dfII/bin $C
DSHOME/tools/jre $CDSHOME/tools/jre/bin $path )
setenv CDS_rfExamples `cds_root icms`

> source .cshrc

OS      = SUNOS
ICVer   = IC5141_USR4
MMSim   = MMSIM60
Calibre = cal_2005.1_10.20
Badly placed ()'s.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by oermens on May 10th, 2009, 6:15am

apprentice wrote on May 9th, 2009, 10:13pm:
after changing order, still have a problem. Maybe my old system has a big problem.

#### rfexamples #####
setenv MMSIMHOME /usr/eda/cds/MMSIM60/
setenv CDSHOME /opt/eda/cds/IC5141_USR4
setenv path = ( $MMSIMHOME/tools/bin $MMSIMHOME/tools/dfII/bin $CDSHOME/tools/bin $CDSHOME/tools/dfII/bin $C
DSHOME/tools/jre $CDSHOME/tools/jre/bin $path )
setenv CDS_rfExamples `cds_root icms`

My mistake. The line for path should be set path = not setenv path =.

apprentice wrote on May 9th, 2009, 10:13pm:
> source .cshrc

What shell are you using? Why do you need to source .cshrc if its in your home folder? If you are using another shell than (t)csh why not just write the script for that shell? Does your network admin have any idea how to set up unix environment for cadence?

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 10th, 2009, 8:21pm

What shell are you using? Why do you need to source .cshrc if its in your home folder? If you are using another shell than (t)csh why not just write the script for that shell? Does your network admin have any idea how to set up unix environment for cadence?


no syntax error with "  setenv CDS_rfExamples `cds_root icms` "

but env command show CDS_rfExamples is not there.

then I tried " > setenv CDS_rfExamples `cds_root icms`" .
then env show it is defined.

run the simulation again and find the following error when i select results.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 10th, 2009, 8:21pm

error message 1

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 10th, 2009, 8:22pm

error message 2

may be I have to try a brand new installation with latest version.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 10th, 2009, 8:29pm

is it normal to see Enable in grey color?

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by oermens on May 11th, 2009, 5:00am

apprentice wrote on May 10th, 2009, 8:29pm:
is it normal to see Enable in grey color?

Yes because it is already enabled. Go to Tools>Results Browser, then File>Open Results and browse to /home/cdssim/simulation/lnaSimple/spectre/schematic/psf and see if results are there. Post spectre.out and input.scs to see where the problem exists.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 11th, 2009, 12:47pm

so far one problem is that spectre.out can not be generated after simulation.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by pancho_hideboo on May 12th, 2009, 9:05pm

apprentice wrote on May 11th, 2009, 12:47pm:
so far one problem is that spectre.out can not be generated after simulation.
Have you ever run Cadence Spectre correctly using other circuits than rfExample ?
Do you surely have SpectreRF's License or enough number of Tokens for MMSIM ?

Try to run Spectre from unix command line without using ADE.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 12th, 2009, 9:57pm

We should have SpectreRF license in our floating licenses.
How to check it?

I only used "option - > license " check schematic users. It seems licenses are automatically checked out when I open schematic and ADE.

Will double check after our IT finishing re-installation.

I also tried a DC analysis which shows similar problem - no output.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by pancho_hideboo on May 13th, 2009, 3:52am

apprentice wrote on May 12th, 2009, 9:57pm:
I also tried a DC analysis which shows similar problem - no output.
Have you ever run Cadence Spectre correctly using other circuits than rfExample ?

Try to run Spectre from unix command line without using ADE.

Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by Andrew Beckett on May 29th, 2009, 1:18am

Go to the ~/simulation/lnaSimple/spectre/schematic/netlist directory in UNIX and type "./runSimulation" (there should be a script called runSimulation in the directory).

It may be that there is some problem with shared libraries or something similar that means that the simulator can't even start - hence a log file is not being produced.

Then tell us what it says...



Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on May 29th, 2009, 10:00pm

31> ./runSimulation
./runSimulation: spectre: not found

Hi Andrew,
  The above is what it says.
  I will keep trying until we have new system.  


Title: Re: can't plot any data
Post by apprentice on Sep 21st, 2009, 5:31pm

hi all,

  I just got new system. The RF examples can run without problem.



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