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Design >> Analog Design >> PFD  characteristics

Message started by ReadWDX on Dec 1st, 2009, 2:56am

Title: PFD  characteristics
Post by ReadWDX on Dec 1st, 2009, 2:56am

  now I want to design a RF PLL, when I design PFD, I do not know how to simulate PFD characteristical curve,some has done it? I need help, thanks!

Title: Re: PFD  characteristics
Post by Mayank on Dec 1st, 2009, 3:56am

Hello RDX,   :P

                 On a standalone basis, you can simulate your PFD so that the UP & the DNbar or UPbar & DN signals math transition at vdd/2.

The Best way to characterize Phase-detector ckt of a PLL is to plug the PFD and Charge-Pump together.
1. Give two signals on input freq and fed-back Freq with a certain difference in Time-period & that difference as the delay between the clocks transitions. ---> The idea is to basically produce transitions with decreasing/ increasing difference b/w ref. freq node & PLL fed-back node.
2.  Now measure the CPUMP current corresponding to each commparison. You will get a staircase kind of response...
3.  This will help you estimate the gain of your P-D ckt as well as Static Phase Error.
4.  If you want to obtain the gain plot of PD ckt, vary the delay b/w the two clocks at ref & PLL fed-back node and measure the Cpump current o/p.  Plot cpump current o/p against the phase error (360deg * delay / Tcomparison) -- you will obtain a KPD plot as shown in books...My belief is that you however generally dont need that plot.


Title: Re: PFD  characteristics
Post by ReadWDX on Dec 1st, 2009, 11:05pm

thanks Mayank very much

I have done as you suggest,I got the result is followed:
in the plot ,Iout is average of the Charge pump output cuurent,
If you can tell me the problem in my result,I would be grateful!

Title: Re: PFD  characteristics
Post by raja.cedt on Dec 2nd, 2009, 12:05am

   seems like your circuit is correct but may be you have given wrong sweep statement. by the what's your Icp? is it 180uA


Title: Re: PFD  characteristics
Post by Mayank on Dec 2nd, 2009, 12:55am

Hello RDX,
                 The shape of the plots seem matching, so i guess your ckt functioanlity is correct....How are you calculating the avg current ??  & What is your X-axis (Delter) and in what units (if phase, degrees/readians) ??


Title: Re: PFD  characteristics
Post by raja.cedt on Dec 2nd, 2009, 1:33am

   i feel sweeping in the -ve direction is wrong and are you finding average over enough cycles.


Title: Re: PFD  characteristics
Post by ReadWDX on Dec 2nd, 2009, 5:53pm

Thanks for all giving  me avaluable advice!
in my design ,I take the charge pump current is 180uA,and the average current is calculated by " average"function in cadence calculator,the "delter" is the delay time of input signals of PFD,unit is secend.
when I calculated the average of current,I took 80 cycles ,Is it enough?

Title: Re: PFD  characteristics
Post by raja.cedt on Dec 2nd, 2009, 7:48pm

  i feel 80 cycle's are too much.ok any how it's not a problem but have checked abut sweep comand once..i feel there is some problem.


Title: Re: PFD  characteristics
Post by Mayank on Dec 2nd, 2009, 8:56pm

    I think the plot is a bit shifted....Ideally the plot should be a piecewise linear plot b/w +pi to --pi on x-axis if your x-axis is in radians. What is your time period 28ns-30ns ??

Can you attach the staircase response of charge-pump o/p voltage node with the i/p & fed-back pulses ?


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