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Design Languages >> VHDL-AMS >> conditional component use?

Message started by perchick on Jul 2nd, 2013, 7:18am

Title: conditional component use?
Post by perchick on Jul 2nd, 2013, 7:18am

im new here, hope this is the right place for this type of questions

im writing a tic tac toe checker and i was wondering if i could get some help about conditions outside a process.

i just wanted to say that I've already wrote this code using a procedure but i wanted to learn how to do this with components

this is just the start of the code, when ill understand how do i work outside a process ill write the rest

the rules are: d_in is 2 bit vector who writes the board. "00" and "11" has no affect (they do but it's not relevant for now), "10" is o_win, "01" is x_win.

my code so far:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.TicTacToe.all;      ---package woth type state (x_win, o_win, no_win, idle)

entity FSM is
port (      d_in : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
           PS : in state;
           NS : out state := idle);
end FSM;

architecture arch_FSM of FSM is


           process (PS, d_in)
                 case PS is
                             when idle =>
                                   --result <= "00";
                                   if d_in = "01" then
                                         NS <=x_win;
                                   elsif d_in = "10" then
                                         NS <=o_win;
                                         NS <= idle;
                                   end if;
                             when x_win =>
                                   --\result <= "01";
                                         if d_in = "10" then
                                               NS <= no_win;
                                               NS <= x_win ;
                                         end if;
                             when o_win =>
                                   --result <= "10";
                                         if d_in = "01" then
                                               NS <= no_win;
                                               NS <= o_win;
                                         end if;
                             when no_win =>
                                   --result <= "11";
                             when others => NS <= idle;
                       end case;
           end process;

end architecture;

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use work.TicTacToe.all;

entity x_o is
port      (d_in      : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
            clk, rst_n      : in std_logic;
            stts            : out  std_logic_vector (1 downto 0));
end entity;

architecture arch_x_o of x_o is
component FSM is
port (      d_in : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0);
           PS : in state;
           NS : out state);
end component;
signal row_status      : state := idle;
type matrix is array (0 to 2) of state;
signal mem      : matrix      := (others => idle);      --memory reg for column check. every index will be a state by itself
signal temp : state := idle;
signal NS      : state := idle;
signal i      : integer := 0;

     temp <= mem (i); --why can't i just use mem (i) in the component?, for some reason i cant do that.
     u1 : FSM port map (d_in, row_status, row_status);
     u2: FSM port map (d_in, temp, NS );
     -- if this was sequential I would insert NS into mem (i) and   advance i for next check
     -- if I use a process for that with d_in and clk in the sensitive list and advance i
     -- for every change in d_in and rising_edge ill get the the component is been used twice
     --befor i advance and after
     -- i wonder if i can do all that outside a process since the component has a process in him
end architecture;

my problems with this are mentioned in the code
hope someone can explain how do i work outside a process
thanks in advance

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