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Modeling >> Behavioral Models >> Injection locked oscillator model

Message started by polyam on Nov 20th, 2019, 5:43am

Title: Injection locked oscillator model
Post by polyam on Nov 20th, 2019, 5:43am


Can anyone please help with an injection locked oscillator model? it is conceptually easy. The oscillator is injected with an external signal such that the oscillator is finally synchronized with the external signal (see the picture below). From modeling perspective however is a bit difficult to imagine how it works. Lets take one of the  VCO models as an example (

Can we say that as the VCO is forced to oscillate at its free running frequency, we can imagine it is already injected and play with the input pin (in) to control a so-called "an already injected locked oscillator")?

If my understanding is not correct can anyone please comment on how to modify the VCO codes to have the concept of injection?


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