Usually we need to design our own transformers. I thought you were at the very initial design phase where you haven't yet designed your transformer and you just want a rough model for how it will work.
Assuming you have already designed your transformer using some EM simulator, you can directly use the s-parameters in cadence for the most accurate results (no modeling required). However, you may need an RLC model for certain simulations (transient analysis maybe). Every RLC model has a "model bandwidth" which says up to what frequency it is accurate. You can check this by simply overlapping the results between your EM-extracted s-parameters, and your model. Your model bandwidth should probably cover a few harmonics to be accurate. The more parasitic effects you model (e.g. substrate network, inter-winding capacitance etc), the higher the model bandwidth.
To get the best results I recommend you use wafer probing to correlate your process with you EM simulations, and then use the EM simulation S-parameters directly in your simulation.
regards, Aaron