tm123 wrote on Nov 11th, 2013, 9:51am:My thoughts:
1) Yes you need to establish a bias on the VCO side of the AC coupling caps
2) Looks like a cascode buffer to provide isolation
3) You need to account for the capacitance added to the tank by the injection diff pair, I would not ignore it during the design of the VCO
4) You say you decreased the Q by reducing the Q of the inductor, but you do not say what the loaded Q of the tank actually is. I have never designed an injection locked oscillator but I have designed several VCO's using the cross coupled N/PMOS architecture you have here. The objective was always to maximize the loaded Q for best phase noise. Maybe you need to reduce the Q even further to increase the locking range, but at the expense of phase noise.
5) As Aaron said there will be some settling time but yes if the injection signal is removed the VCO should return to its free running frequency.
Thank you! What you said is right, I want to increase the locking range a little bit, I have tried to increase the injected amplitude but the range doesn't change. So, for confirmation purpose, I decrease the Q as low as possible to check whether the range will increase, but still it doesn't. Or maybe the bias condition is not correct?
For the inductor's Q, I get it from simulation. I modeled the inductor simply as Z=Rs+jwLs, than do the AC simulation to find the Z at f=2GHz, the I got the Q=wLs/Rs. Initially, I chose the biggest Q=15, no matter how big the I_inj is, the locking range is around 10MHz. Then I decrease the Q to about 8, and the locking range didn't change a lot (12MHz).
The locking range is: wL=(w0/2Q)*(I_inj/I_osc)/(1-(I_inj/I_osc)^2). where the I_inj and I_osc is the current amplitude of injected signal and the VCO, respectively.
You mentioned that the total tank Q. I know that put tuning cap bank to the VCO will decrease the Q, but how can I test and know the total tank Q during the design?
Any suggestions will help a lot! Thank you!