I am using
FreePDK45 in Virtuoso, but I faced the following error:
Quote: Error found by spectre during circuit read-in.
ERROR (SFE-23): "input.scs" 12: The instance `PM' is referencing an undefined model or subcircuit, `pfet'. Either include the file containing the definition of `pfet', or define `pfet' before running the simulation.
ERROR (SFE-23): "input.scs" 16: The instance `NM' is referencing an undefined model or subcircuit, `nfet'. Either include the file containing the definition of `nfet', or define `nfet' before running the simulation.
Following advices at
https://www.edaboard.com/threads/cadence-virtuoso-and-mmsim-installation.305420/... does not really help.
Could anyone advise ?