Not sure if this topic belongs to this section. Basically I am motivated to look at my current corner details like parameters, models, variables etc. and go about finding a scalar/vector from a suitable corner(Not necessarily the same corner/variables/parameters) in a particular history in a particular maestro view. I might want to swap my VDD and TEMP to get a VT drifted calibration code. Not sure calcVal does this.
I've been learning SKILL only for past few months. But I am aware of some basics of sdb, rdb etc. session related skill functions can fetch some result from a particular maestro etc. I have a few questions given the above premise :
1. Do I need an additional maestro license to be able to fetch a calcode from another test bench? Like go about creating axlCreateSession(), axlSetMainSetupDBLCV() etc.?
2. Since the expectation to create a preRun script, I could only reach a point mentioned in
The session object doesn't seem to work on axl..() where the object returned from axlGetMainSetupDB() works. This leads me to think that the session object returned has a different data structure which again becomes difficult to debug as this doesn't work on CIW.
3. Finally how do I retrieve any vector/waveform from the history?
NOTE : I am not expecting a code as such. API's axlGetCornerNameForCurrentPointInRun() to get other details of the corner will be highly appreciated.