I would like to build a circuit for a hartley oscillator and was wondering what design to best go for. The frequency should be around 500MHz. So I was thinking about whether to use discrete components and use an ugly board construction.
http://users.easystreet.com/w7zoi/bboard.html as an example.
Or should I rather go and use a chip to which I can attach external cpacitors/inductors.
See MAX2622 datasheet. (This is based on a Colpitts oscillator, but I need to use a hartley configuration)
What do you guys think. Can anyone give some recommendations?
One more thing, I have to use a pretty large external capacitance of 60pF in the Hartley configuration, meaning the inductor would have to be <1.7nH for 500MHz. Is that possible at all? I mean can I get the oscillator to oscillate to 500MHz with such a big capacitance?