why not integrated the dbc per hz curve from 1mhz to 1.001mhz?
-30db means the noise focus to 1hz.howerev phase noise has a skirt. right?
mtp3 wrote on Jun 24th, 2015, 4:08am:Hi!
Looking in to some definitions of phase noise typically the unit for phase noise is dBc/Hz. A phase noise of say -100dBc/Hz @ 1MHz offset means that the noise of the oscillator is 100dB below the carrier at 1MHz offset from the carrier in a 1Hz bandwidth.
For higher carrier frequencies it might be difficult to measure the noise power in a 1Hz bandwidth hence the unit for phase noise for such cases is dBc/KHz. So if the noise power is say -80dBm in a 1KHz bandwidth at 1MHz offset in order to map to 1Hz bandwidth we have to subtract -30 from the given noise power in 1KHz bandwidth, i.e. the noise power in 1Hz bandwidth would be -110dbm-P(carrier) would give you the phase noise at the same offset from the carrier frequency in a 1Hz bandwidth.