New Member
Posts: 5
Thank you sheldon,
I think that it could be a bit difficult to add cascodes because my VDD is 3.3V and my Vss is 0V, but I do not know for sure if that's a problem.
The technology I'm using (0.35μ) doesn't permit a triple-well process so, I have one substrate for the N transistors and one n-well for the P transistors. In that case I have the p-substrate connected to the ground and the bulk of the P transistors connected to VDD.
What I'm measuring is ΔIo/ΔVDD, that is, the effect in the output current of some variation on the DC voltage source. To do that I'm using an AC analysis performed in Cadence Software. I think that's the way to do it, but I'm not sure.
I has told to get a good PSRR, but I'm getting a curve that crosses 0.2μA/V at 1.2MHz. I think that's not very good because I have a digital circuit to feed, that is going to operate at least at 4MHz and I will deliver 1μA per current source. The whole circuit will have 8 current mirrors, but that I think is not a problem.
I tried to put 2 caps between the source and gate of the M3 and M7 transistors, but it only made that crossing point to increase a little in frequency.
Could you please show me a way to do the gain boosted source. My problem is how to bias that kind of topology, because I'll have to use an amplifier, right? If that's true, I'll need a current source to feed the amplifier and I don't know how to do it. You see, what I have to do is to create one current source...
Once again, thank you for your attention.