Raymond Wouapi
New Member
Posts: 1
Hello everybody, with this code I want to realize a substractor and amplifier and a multiplier. The problem with this code is that each time simulate it with smash, I have the following errors
ERROR: In architecture 'SIMPLE' of entity 'AMPTIMESSUBVREF' E:/Me/vhdl-ams/test VSR/ampTimesSubVref.vhd(10): imple of ampTimesSubVref is Characteristic number (5) does not match simple simultaneous statements (4) Characteristic number = scalar free quantities (1) + scalar through quantities (4) + scalar interface quantities of mode out (0) - scalar quantities associated with formal quantities of mode out (0) ERROR: cannot generate model code for 'SIMPLE' ERROR: cannot specialize model 'SIMPLE' for instance 'AMPTIMESSUBVREF' ERROR: elaboration of 'WORK.AMPTIMESSUBVREF(SIMPLE)' at top level failed
library IEEE; use IEEE.math_real.all; use IEEE.electrical_systems.all;
entity ampTimesSubVref is port ( terminal in1, in2, out1 : electrical ); end entity ampTimesSubVref;
architecture simple of ampTimesSubVref is terminal t1, t2 : electrical; quantity vin1 across input1 through in1; quantity vout1 across iout through in1 to t1;
quantity vref : real := 400.0; quantity vin2 across input2 through in2; quantity vout2 across iout2 through in2 to t2;
quantity vin3 across input3 through t1 to t2; quantity vout3 across iout3 through out1; begin vin1 == 220.0 * sin (2.0 * 3.14 * 50.0 * now); vout1 == ((vin1*vin1)/(230.0*sqrt(2.0))); --amplifier vin2 == 220.0 * sin (2.0 * 3.14 * 50.0 * now); vout2 == vref - vin2; --substractor
vout3 == vout1*vout2; --multiplier end architecture simple;
Thanks for your comprehension.