Hi Ken,
Thank you very much for your response!
Ken Kundert wrote on Sep 29th, 2020, 6:49am:This may be a simple debugging issue. I recommend that you print/plot your variables, especially R, and see if you are getting the values you expect.
You hit the bull's-eye

! Debugging the model, I realized that it was not entering in the
timer routine.
Looking more carefully, I noted that, despite their declaration, the compiler was interpreting
period and consequently
speriod as integer variables, assigning 0 for both of them.
This issue was fixed adding
.0 to the numbers used to those variables calculations.
Ken Kundert wrote on Sep 29th, 2020, 6:49am:I see two other confounding issues. First, the resistance appears to change every 128 cycles. If your FFT spans these changes then you will be measuring some kind of average resistance rather than the instantaneous resistance., which is what you calculated by hand.
That was a very usefull observation. I took care of it, thank you.
Ken Kundert wrote on Sep 29th, 2020, 6:49am:Also, are you sure speriod should be 1280 cycles and speriodd be 128 cycles. Perhaps those two values should be swapped? It seems like the way it is SUM will be 0 90% of the time.
In fact,
speriod is (1/1280) cycles and
speriodd is (1/128) cycles. I believe there was a misreading here. Anyway, I changed it a little bit, adding an
if statement inside the timer routine to do the operation of
speriodd given a specific
N. Now it seems to work perfectly.
Again, thank you very much for your help!
Kind regards,