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I have a module that generates a bunch of variable values, then I want to export each one of them in digital format to output. The complication is that I want to use a single ADC template and instantiate it multiple times. I am now stuck at assign proper type for whatever goes to adc as input to be quantized.
More specifically, below is the example (I modified the adc module from the bible "THE DESIGNER’S GUIDE TO VERILOG-AMS". I removed the clk signal and add vdd and gnd pin.) Apparently, "wire out1_internal" is not the correct declaration. Nor is "reg out1_internal"
module adc(vdd, gnd, in, out); parameter integer bits = 64 from [1:64]; // resolution (bits) parameter real fullscale = 1.0; parameter real td = 0; // delay from clock edge to output (s) parameter real tt = 0; // transition time of output (s) parameter integer dir = 1 from [-1:1] exclude 0; input in, vdd, gnd; output [0:bits-1] out; voltage in; voltage vdd; voltage gnd; voltage [0:bits-1] out; real sample, midpoint; integer result[0:bits-1]; genvar i; real vdd_; real thresh;
analog begin @(initial_step) begin vdd_=V(vdd,gnd); thresh=vdd_/2; sample = V(in); midpoint = fullscale/2.0; for (i = bits - 1; i >= 0; i = i - 1) begin if (sample > midpoint) begin result[i] = 1; sample = sample - midpoint; end else begin result[i] = 0; end sample = 2.0*sample; end end for (i = 0; i < bits; i = i + 1) begin V(out[i]) <+ transition(result[i] ? vdd_: 0.0, td, tt); end end endmodule
`define n_bits_out1 4 `define n_bits_out2 6 module some_module(vdd, gnd, out1, out2) input vdd, gnd; electrical vdd, gnd; output [`n_bits_out1:1] out1; electrical [`n_bits_out1:1] out1; output [`n_bits_out2:1] out2; electrical [`n_bits_out2:1] out2; integer var1, var2; wire out1_internal; wire out2_internal; analog begin @ ( initial_step ) begin var1=10; var2=50; end V(out1_internal) <+ var1; V(out2_internal) <+ var2; end adc #(.bits(`n_bits_out1)) adc_var1(vdd, gnd, out1_internal, out1); adc #(.bits(`n_bits_out2)) adc_var2(vdd, gnd, out2_internal, out2); endmodule
===================== Update: Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems "electrical out1_internal" is the correct syntax for this purpose.