If you use the ADE spectrum function SNR function, the SNR result will be correct. The functions you require are available: SINAD, ENOB, THD, SFDR.
Another way to look at the problem is that the noise is output as V/rtHz, so the total noise is spectral density * bandwidth, bandwidth is 1/FFT fundamental frequency. As a result, as the number of points increase the bandwidth decreases. an the noise floor decreases. Since the total noise is dependent on the bandwidth and the bandwidth is a function of square root of frequency, the dependence is 10dB(..).
For example, if the quantization noise floor of a 10 bit ADC 61.96dB, then for a 256 point FFT, the noise floor of the FFT is 83dB, for a 1024 point FFT the FFT noise floor is 89dB. As a result as the number of FFT points increase, it is easier to discern the distortion tones. However, the SNR and total noise do not change, the noise floor does decrease.