Andrew Beckett
Senior Fellow

Life, don't talk to me about Life...
Posts: 1742
Bracknell, UK
I'm assuming you use the Analog Design Environment?
If so, then the first thing you would do is to set up the expression to measure the delay. Do a transient simulation to get the waveforms you want, and then using the Calculator (Tools->Calculator), use the "vt" button and select the two nodes. Then use the Special Functions->delay item on the calculator and specify the threshold values and edge numbers for the two waveforms. The resulting calculator expression can be added to the ADE outputs pane by using the Outputs->Setup menu in ADE, and hitting the Get Expression button.
Having got it in the outputs pane, hit the Plot Outputs icon (bottom right) - this should show the delay in the output pane.
OK, having got the expression OK and working, then move onto monte-carlo.
For this you need to have statistical models of course (with statistics blocks, which describe the distribution of various parameters - see the Spectre User and Reference Guides for more details).
Then use Tools->Monte Carlo in the ADE window. You can use Get Expression here to get the expression for delay from the calculator. Choose the number of runs you want to do, choose whether you want Process Only, Mismatch Only or Process and Mismatch, and do Simulation Run.
You can then use Result->Plot->Histogram to plot the resulting distribution.
Of course, this is a bit of a high level glib overview, and I'd suggest you read up on this in the documentation, but hopefully enough to get you started.
One other point - you need product 32120 (Electronic Design for Manufacturability option - shows up as FEATURE Artist_Statistics in your license file) to do this. You can also run Monte Carlo from the new Aptivia tool (I won't cover that here, because I suspect you're not using that since it is so new).