Hi Yawei,
That's probably because gear maps some poles on the jw axis to the LHP => unstable systems may simulate
as stable if gear is set. For these cases, trap is better as it provides the best mapping.
However, with gear, you can also achieve the same results with tighter tolerances (atleast that's what the manuals say).
I would say that your measurements should probably match the trap simulation.
Hi Rajesh,
There are several papers by Vittoz and also by RG Meyer (of Gray & Meyer fame), all from the 70s or 80s from IEEE
JSSC. Try searching for crystal oscillators in the search section there
ywguo wrote on Jun 8th, 2007, 1:59am:Hi,
I am not aware that the amplitude depends on the initial condition, like the initial current in inductor. However, the amplitude depends on the integration method strongly. Generally, I get smaller amplitude when I choose method = gear than that when I choose method = trap.
However, I have not compared the simulation result with the test results.
Best regards,