Andrew Beckett
Senior Fellow

Life, don't talk to me about Life...
Posts: 1742
Bracknell, UK
Not sure this is in the right forum (probably should have been in Entry Tools) - but never mind.
My guess is that you have saved the environment settings to your design or library. For example at the bottom of the Options->Display form there are choices to save the settings to CellView, Library, Tech Library or cdsenv.
If this has been done, then these win over any cdsenv settings. The highest priority is the cellView, then library, then tech library, then the cdsenv settings.
You can tell if this has been done by looking at the cellView properties (File->Properties in the layout editor), or in the library manager over the library name (or tech library name) Right Mouse->Properties and if there's a property called "viewProps" with a button EXPAND, then you can expand and see maskLayout (and EXPAND again) and then see the individual settings.
The Options->Display form has the ability to Delete from the location it's saved to - so that can be a way of removing these library or cellView-specific settings if that hadn't been intended.