I am wondering what the sampled PAC does exactly.
Let's say I have an LPTV system H(jw,t)=ΣH
k(jw) e
jkwst where w
s = 2Π/Ts where 'Ts' is the periodicity of the system & 'k' is an integer from -∞ to -∞.
Here H
k(jw) are the harmonic transfer functions.
Let's say we have an input x(t)=e
jwint to the system H(jw,t) and whose output is y(t) which has the frequency translated input x(t) scaled by the harmonic transfer functions.
What does the sampled PAC at a time 't0' actually measure? I can understand PAC voltage gain, which looks at the gain frequency translated output magnitude to input magnitude. On the other hand, what does sampled PAC voltage gain do?
Thanks in advance and Happy Holidays