I have a simple SV capacitor model using EEnet as shown below. This simulates with no issues when driven by 1V square wave as shown below:
Code:`timescale 1ns/1ps
import EE_pkg::*;
module CapGeq ( P );
inout EEnet P;
parameter real c=1e-9; // capacitance
parameter real rs=0; // series resistance
parameter real ic=0; // initial capacitor voltage at time zero
parameter real tinc=10e-9; // timestep for computing voltage update (sec)
bit ck;
real dV,Icap,Tcap, Vout;
always #(tinc*1s) ck=!ck; //toggle clock at defined rate
always@(P.I,ck) begin //on input change or clock cycle;
dV=Icap*($realtime-Tcap)/(c*1s); //voltage change is I*DT/C
Icap=P.I; Tcap=$realtime; //save new current and time
Vout += dV; //update voltage
assign P='{Vout,0,0}; //drive output as ideal voltage source
Output waveform is also attached for capacitor
However I try to replicate inductor SV model using similar strategy as shown below:
Code:`timescale 1ns/1ps
import EE_pkg::*;
import cds_rnm_pkg::*;
module indGeq(P);
inout EEnet P;
parameter real L=50e-6; // inductunce, 50uH
parameter real rs=0; // series resistance
parameter real iL=0; // initial inductor voltage at time zero
parameter real tinc=1e-9; // timestep for computing voltage update (sec)
bit ck;
real dI,Vind,Tind,Iout;
//initial Vind=iL;
always #(tinc*1s) ck=!ck;
always @(P.V,ck) begin //on input change or clock cycle;
dI=Vind*($realtime-Tind)/(L*1s); //current change is Vind*dt/L;
Vind=P.V; //save new voltage
Tind=$realtime; //save new time
Iout+=dI; //update current
assign P = '{0,Iout,0}; //drive output as ideal current source
However, I see "Iout" and Vind both are zero all the time as shown in Inductor output waveforms. Can anyone explain why this model is not working?